Acupuncture, Custom Orthotics & Splinting, accident treatment, family chiropractic, injury treatment, migraine, spinal injury, sports injury, sports chiropractic, work injury treatment, Foot Care Services, Massage Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy
Now known as Therapy works, we are pleased to have expanded our services to include Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy which includes custom orthotics and spli...more...See more text
23 Beaumont Hamel Way, St. John's, NLA1H 0P9Get directions
On-site Emergency Response, Disability Management, Occupational Health Surveillance, Health Promotion & Educational Programs, Remote Services, Occupational Health Services
At AOMS Atlantic Offshore Medical Services Ltd, we specialize in occupation health services and surveillance, as well as disability management, on-site emergency response, health p...more...See more text
12 St. David's Ave, Mount Pearl, NLA1N 1G8Get directions
Welcome to Shree Ma Ayurveda Institute!Shree Ma Ayurveda Institute & Wellness Centre Inc. offers an authentic, comprehensive knowledge, according to the guidance of ancient classic...more...See more text