
Cuisine type

  • Canadian Cuisine,
2611 4th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V6K 1P8
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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  • $26 To $60,

Methods of Payment:

  • Debit Card
  • Debit Card

Meet the owner

With an unemployment rate of 70%, the visually impaired face obvious challenges in a society that is preoccupied with visual communication. But at Dark Table, that challenge is actually an advantage—at this restaurant, visually impaired servers are the ones who guide customers through a sensational culinary journey in the dark.

“At the door, guests choose either a three-course or two-course dinner. The starters and the desserts are always a surprise, but for the main course, guests can pick from six options or choose to be surprised for all courses,” says Sami Mousattat, Dark Table’s General Manager. All of the delectable dishes – including vegetarian and vegan options – are prepared in a well-lit kitchen by sighted chefs. The restaurant runs set seating times and reservations are highly recommended.

This special concept makes for a lot of special occasions. “We do lot of cool experiences for customers in the dark – there have been so many amazing proposals, surprise birthday parties, and team-building experiences for big companies. It’s very interesting and I love it,” Sami.

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Editor’s Pick
Vancouver restaurants for your first date

Vancouver restaurants for your first date

For the slightly more adventurous (and for a great first-date story for down the road), head to Dark Table. Here, you will dine in complete darkness, relying on your other senses for a memorable meal. Choose your dinner in a lighted foyer and then be led by blind servers to your table. Taste, touch, smell and sound are heightened to fascinating effect and there will be lots to talk about as you try to decipher your meal. Hold hands to keep your bearings.

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