RSI is what it sounds like: the irritation and injury to muscles and tendons that comes from overuse, in other words, from repetitive stress. Here's a guide to understanding repetitive stress injuries:
October 9, 2015
RSI is what it sounds like: the irritation and injury to muscles and tendons that comes from overuse, in other words, from repetitive stress. Here's a guide to understanding repetitive stress injuries:
RSI's are extremely common, and most people just write them off to normal strains from a hard day's work.
Who's most likely to get a repetitive stress injury? The weekend warrior who exercises more in two days than she has since college.
The signs range from soreness and stiffness to a joint that may be swollen, tender, and hot.
Your doctor will examine you, asking you about activities and patterns of pain.
RSIs are mostly treated with rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, and other simple self-care measures.
Like many common ailments, RSIs get worse the longer you ignore them. By acknowledging the problem early, you can take measures to prevent making the injury worse. Your body will thank you in the long run.
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