Amey's Greenwood Taxi offers the largest fleet of taxis and hybrid vehicles available. Serving the Kingston area since 1922, we are timely, courteous and offer long distance drives...more...See more text
I was out for drinks with some friends, and we needed a cab. When we called an automated machine answered and at first, I was confused but it was very clear and it was very easy to understand. Once I gave it my address, the Taxi showed up less than 10 minutes later. The cab driver was very polite and friendly especially to a bunch of drunk young men. This happened the week after too and my friends and I were just as satisfied.Read more
Was on a first date with a beautiful lady. We parked in Kingston and walked around brock street. Spent 2+ hours walking around trying to locate my car. Had no luck at all.
We called Modern City Taxi and the guy ( #52 ) showed up like 1.5 minutes later. He was friendly too
We explained the situation to him, and he drove us around for a half hour all around every little bob, and turn in the Queens area.
We finally found the car. Dude was AWESOME and I hope he sees this ! Thank you !!Read more
Get your products where they need to go with City Taxi! Based out of Brockville, we offer long distance fare in addition to local deliveries. Call for more information today. more...See more text
223 King Street West, Brockville, ONK6V 3R7Get directions
Get your products where they need to go with City Taxi! Based out of Brockville, we offer long distance fare in addition to local deliveries. Call for more information today.more...See more text
At TI Taxi we make it a point to bring to our customers reliable, friendly and, above all, prompt transportation services. Call us today!more...See more text
How should I choose a taxi in Brewers Mills Kingston ON?
Depending on which Brewers Mills Kingston ON neighbourhood you live in, taking a taxi might not be as easy as you think. You need to know if you can hail a cab from the sidewalk or if you have to call a dispatcher for one when you’re ready. Some companies even allow you to reserve your ride in advance.
Questions to ask before taking a taxi Before calling the first Brewers Mills Kingston ON taxi company that comes to mind, ask the following questions:
Will the cab company agree to take me where I want to go? This is especially important to know if you want to go a long distance.
Is there an airport limousine service?
Is there round-the-clock service?
Is it possible to book a taxi in advance?
Is it possible to book one online?
What forms of payment are accepted?
Does the company have a good reputation?
Are the taxi drivers trained to provide safe service?
Can the driver get me to my destination quickly, if need be?
Are the cabs clean and comfortable?
Are the drivers members of a professional association of drivers or subject to municipal guidelines? This assures certain standards for the quality of the vehicles and the training of the drivers.
Taxis for special needs If you have special transportation needs, call around and see if the taxi companies offer the following:
Paratransit routes and accessible vans
Pre-arranged transportation only or last-minute calls
Transportation to and from school
Some taxi companies also offer special services such as small-package deliveries, door unlocking services, and battery-boosting services. All Brewers Mills Kingston ON taxi companies don’t offer the same services and cover the same territories. Find out in advance so you won’t be caught off guard and arrive late for your very important date.