A holistic way to look at AND improve your health

Bodywork Massage

We will discuss the massage plan before we begin and tie all your needs together in some great blended massage. After the massage your body will feel worked and more open once we can reach some nice deep release throughout the session.

Hot Stone Massage

The combination of heat and pressure in a hot stone massage helps to deeply relax the muscles, making it easier for me to work on problem areas and provide relief from tension and stiffness.

Thai Yoga Massage

A traditional therapy combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures

Mandi Burmas is driven to have an impact on how Health Care is practiced as a whole. Her goal is to provide that balance, with increased freedom and movement, so that her clients can live their lives as they see fit.

Being raised by a mother who came from a career of nursing turned Natural Health Practitioner, was the perfect life experience to learn and witness the "impossible" corrections the human body is capable of.