Woodcroft Rink Update
The Woodcroft Community League rink is now closed for the season.
A big thank you to everyone who came out to skate and to the amazing volunteers who made it all happen.
Your support made this season memorable!
Latest News
Featured Event

We are thrilled to announce up to Sunday, August 24th, 2025, if you are a member of the Woodcroft Community League you can swim for free on Sundays from 2-4 pm at MacEwan University’s pool. You will need to provide a valid proof of membership to access all public Sport and Wellness facilities/areas (Aquatic Pool, Gymnasium*, Fitness Centre) on Sundays from 2-4 p.m. Gymnasium is subject to availability
Here is more information about the facilities https://www.macewan.ca/campus-life/sport-and-wellness/our-facilities/pool/

Winter Sandboxes -
New this Year
If you’re looking for sand this winter, please note that there is no longer a bin at our community center. Instead, you’ll find sand bins located outside the fence or yard at the following locations:
Coronation Eco Station
11440 - 143 Street NW -
Northwest Roadway Maintenance Yard – 14320 - 114 Avenue