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Service Hours

Service Times

Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Bible Class at 10:00 a.m.

Divine Service: Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Lent Vespers: Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.


We have room for you at our services. 


Private Confession and Absolution
or Spiritual Counsel by appointment.


Office Hours

Pastor Lantz tries to be in the office Mon-Thurs, 9am-noon. Please call or email to arrange for a meeting.


General Information
PO Box 35001 Hartzel Rd. PO
St. Catharines, Ontario L2P 0C5
Join us at:
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary
470 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines








Resurrection Lutheran Church Canada



What We Are About

Liturgical, Christological, Sacramental


We follow traditional liturgies and strive for the clear preaching of God's Word, focusing on His forgiveness of our sins for the sake of Jesus' death for us.  The heart of worship is that Jesus Christ descends to His people and is truly present with them and in them in the church service through the tangible and real means of the proclaimed Word and the sacraments He instituted. Communion with God involves our whole selves, including our bodies, in participation with one another and our Lord Jesus Christ. This cannot be recreated through any technological medium, radio, television, internet, virtual reality, or some future technology. Please use this web site merely as an introductory step to attending our services in person.

A lot of religion today bends to society's pressures. We strive to be faithful to God and to His Church. The message of Jesus Christ crucified for sinners is proclaimed here in a way that does not excuse sin or downplay the purpose of God sending His Son to die for you.  It's a hard message, but it's the truth and the good news of the Resurrection is good news because of Jesus' death for us. Because of His suffering and death for you, you can share in His Resurrection. We don't want that message to get lost so we stick to historic Christianity without the fads.​


Contemporary Issues


While the world explores Critical Race Theory we believe that there is one race, the human race. Jesus died for the sins of every man, woman, and child of every land and every nation.

While the world approves of the right to choose which lives are worth living, we believe that all life is precious and worthy of care and protection from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

Everyone is created in the image of God. Although sin and this fallen creation may lead to struggles with identity, we believe that God created mankind in two sexes, male and female, and He calls us to live within the bounds of His will for creation. 

While the world adjusts its view of what is right and what is wrong over time, we believe that right and wrong are defined by God's Word given in the Bible, and especially summarized in the Ten Commandments. 

Marriage is the life-long union of one man and one woman. Sexual activity outside of marriage, divorce, same-sex unions, and multiple marriage partners are contrary to His will for the blessings of marriage.

There is objective and absolute truth, found in the person and work of Jesus Christ and His Word.

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