
Ajax Crematorium & Visitation Centre


Ajax Crematorium & Visitation Centre provides a complete range of funeral, cremation, and memorial services. We are available 24 hours for immidiate assistance. Please contact us to discuss your funeral needs.

How to Write a Meaningful Funeral Tribute for a Loved One

Writing a funeral tribute for a loved one is challenging and emotional. It's a chance to honor their life, share cherished memories, and comfort those grieving. A meaningful tribute requires thoughtful reflection, composure, and the right length to convey their impact on others. Here are some tips for writing a heartfelt tribute and maintaining composure during the speech read more here


Funeral Pre-planning Can Save You Lots of Money and Headaches

Planning your funeral in advance empowers you to record your final wishes. Whether it's through a formal legal document, a familial consensus, or with the guidance of a funeral professional, the method depends on the intricacies of your desires and their impact on your loved ones. Discover some compelling reasons to establish a thorough plan for your ultimate farewell read more here


What Does Next of Kin Mean?

In the realm of estate planning, a final will and testament serve a purpose far-reaching beyond mere asset distribution. It serves as a poignant opportunity to impart significant gifts to individuals who hold a distinctive place in your life. At the core of this undertaking lies the vital notion of "next of kin." Within this extensive guide, we explore the intricacies of comprehending the term ''next of kin'' and its pivotal significance in the realms of estate planning and post-mortem situations. Whether you are in the process of considering your own estate plan or seeking insights into its implications for your family, this article endeavors to furnish you with invaluable knowledge and insight read more here


Preparing For the Death of a Loved One: Steps to Follow

The reality is that death is an inherent aspect of life, and it's something we will all likely encounter at some juncture. It is an unavoidable phase, initially experienced as observers to the passing of our friends and loved ones, ultimately becoming a part of our own journey. Gone are the times when our societies equipped us for this commonplace occurrence.

In the present day, many individuals turn to the expertise of a funeral director to assist them in planning and ensuring a well-prepared burial or cremation long before the need arises. Join us for a comprehensive exploration of how you can ready yourself for the loss of a loved one and the advantages of engaging the services of a professional funeral director read more here


What’s a Next of Kin and What Happens When There is None?

The Next of kin” refers to your closest blood relative or legally recognized family member. It’s a term used when you pass away without a will. The next of kin is set to the next of assume essential responsibilities when an individual cannot act on their behalf.

Next of kin is almost always established by legal and familial relationships. Generally, spouses; children; and parents are considered immediate next of kin for someone read more here


Your Guide to the Right Funeral Flower arrangement

The loss of a loved one comes with great grief. During that difficult time, there is little you can say or do to help those who have been bereaved feel better. However, you can send them some flowers.

Funeral flowers are a great way to honour loved ones and their families. Depending on how flowers are arranged, they can help in a grave situation. So, what should you know about funeral flower arrangements read more here


How Many Urns Can Be Buried in One Plot?

In burial practice, the balance between tradition and efficiency is paramount. Over the last few years, cremation has become a much-preferred option because of these factors as well as cost and its ability to address both environmental issues and flexibility in memorialization. Urns provide more spatial efficiency than caskets since several burials can be done within one plot location.

With cremation becoming more popular than traditional burial, the question is: how many urns can be buried in one plot? This post examines the capacity of burial plots and considerations involved in maximizing urn burials while respecting the deceased read more here


Important Things You Will Want to Do When Your Loved One is Dying

Planning for a funeral is never easy, no matter the situation. Planning one when your loved one is dying is especially challenging. However, with the right approach, you can come together to create something wonderful. You can make the most of your remaining time to plan the ideal ceremony down to the fine details while enjoying each other's company. Here are some tips for planning a funeral for a dying loved one to help you out read more here


Custom Funeral Planning at Ajax Crematorium and Funeral Home

Saying goodbye is something we have all had to do at some point in our lives. Throughout history and across cultures, surviving friends, families, and communities of a deceased person hold events to honour the memory of their loved ones read more here


Tips to Writing a Will: Everything You Need to Know

To make a valid will in Canada, you may involve a lawyer or make your own will. The process can be daunting if you don’t have the right tips for writing a will. Here, we cover the basics of will writing in Canada read more here


What Happens if You Cannot Afford a Funeral?

We never know when a loved one will be taken from us. Death can be quite unexpected, and in today's economic downturn, it may be possible that you simply do not have the funds. to pay for a funeral. It is quite easy for a modest funeral to cost $10,000 or more, and this is not a sum that everyone will have immediate access to read more here


When Should a Funeral Take Place?

For most people, planning a funeral is a very rare occurrence, which means that when it's your turn, many questions can arise about how to proceed. Particularly when it comes to how long a funeral is meant to take place after death.

If you are going through the process for the first time or are curious to learn ahead of time, don't worry. We'll cover everything you need to know in today's blog read more here


Unique Things to Do With Cremated Ashes

When you think of the cremated ashes of a loved one and what to do with them, you probably think that scattering them somewhere they loved is the way to go. But there are actually many creative things to do with cremated ashes, and you can find some interesting ideas below read more here


What to Do for a Neighbour Who Lost a Loved One - the Compassionate Way

Death isn't the most desirable topic for anyone, and it's no mystery when it comes to why people prefer to keep this as one of those things they've stored deeply in the back of their mind. Especially when it's got something to do with a family member, friend, or spouse read more here


Dying Without a Will in Ontario: What Happens Next?

A will is a legal document expressing a deceased person’s last wishes. It details the distribution of the assets when a person dies and confers authority on an appointed person to carry out the last wishes and funeral program of a deceased person without resorting to Ontario Government Provincial Law read more here

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