Thanks to Steve the tech and Tracy in the office at Jones Pumping for sorting out our septic tank issues! Who knew we have a filter down there!! Great service all round!!
Thanks we always try to do the best we can. Appreciate your positive comments
By MichelleC203838
June 13, 2016
Use the septic company as they refused to do their job unreliable unprofessional and very rude people so my advice to you wall is is to look up a different septic company because the guy that showed up at our house is very very rude and very unprofessional
We stand behind our employees every single day. He does an excellent job. You have failed to tell the whole truth here. Your site was not ready for pumping and we suggested that you dig up and have both of the lids ready for service, you told us we could do that work, you had hurt yourself and that you knew your property and the tank only had one lid. You were so angry that you yelled at our staff and had a fit. We did, as a result refuse to service the residence a second time. Best of luck with your new home.
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