De'rive? If we wanted to put it simply, one could say that is a itine'rant De'rive The festival, along with the Loire.Un expe'rimentations arts festival, workshops, concerts, d 'e'changes and more encore.Mais the De'rive, it is above all an adventure humaine.Une De'rive ponctue'e five stops on thirty-one days, and eighty weirdo. 're letting stand 29 to 28 aug ^ t septembre.Un collective that de'vale the Loire to the rhythm of the water, boat, raft, ve'lo, to 'walk, sleigh or pe'dalo .la Loire as an artistic medium that binds us, space travel borde' encounters and stories, territory ever changing and evolving for cre'ations constante.La down the Loire spectacle represents the average to 'work to our artistic proposals, implement e'change of workshops, in open spaces and a collectif.Notre volonte' framework is to provide a place itine'rant and open expression and e'change.Illuminer and de'caler of towns and villages traverse's. Giving life to the docks and boats Loire, value and history of these espaces.La De'rive considering a path in mass, such a cortège river.more...See more text