Thyme To Indulge Bistro

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2858 Main St, Vancouver, BC V5T 3G2
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Meet the owner

Back in 2009, chef Magavon Toby was looking for a change of scenery from his current work in hotels, so he and his wife Paula, an experienced event planner, decided to combine their talents and embark on an entrepreneurial journey. “We started out by offering in-home fine dining meals,” says Magavon, who was classically trained in French culinary techniques and has had the opportunity to work under a few master chefs, including Bruno Marti.

With every meal they made, word spread and soon, clients began asking if they could cater a wedding or a corporate event. Before Magavon and Paula knew it, Thyme to Indulge had developed into a full-fledged boutique catering company.

It's also a quaint, French-style bistro in the heart of the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood of Vancouver. Since autumn 2013, Vancouverites have had the opportunity to indulge in the restaurant's gourmet breakfast and brunch.

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