Maki Performance Training
2130-11980 Hammersmith Way, Richmond, BC V7A 0A4
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Meet the owner

“We really try to promote the coaching aspect and building people up, making them feel a sense of accomplishment through hard work, as opposed to physically tearing them down all the time and leaving them feeling beaten up. That’s not our style of training,” says Maki Riddington, owner of Maki Performance Training. Maki’s style emphasizes growth and support, building community while providing highly effective training that draws on a broad range of styles and techniques.

“It’s a variety of workouts – always different, always challenging, always fresh,” explains Maki. “We're always trying to stay on top of things and to provide the best, newest and most effective style of training.” By traveling across the continent and visiting some of the fitness industry’s most respected gyms and coaches, Maki has been able to distill a style of training that is distinct and particularly effective.

“We don’t necessarily gravitate towards one fixed philosophy,” he says. “We draw on all different types, try to take the best of everything, put it together and create something that’s unique to us.”

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