I have used these guys several times, for a variety of jobs. EVERY time: work performed on time, in a professional manner. My latest job involved moving several tons of fragile machinery (boat) from one trailer to another. They were patient, professional, and took every possible precaution to ensure that this very tricky job went well. Highly recommended.
i got a set of springs from them put on my truck,and they were the wrong ones which caused my seals to leak and the rear fender to rub on my tires. They had my truck in their shop and measured everything up for my new springs. and now they are saying i gave them the wrong info for my springs when it was them that did the measuring. And now im stuck with a bill to repair my truck again,after they guaranteed me i had the right springs. I'd wouldn't give them the time of day again. If you deal with them,make sure u get it in writing of what ur buying.
I would like to resond by saying we did not measure the springs but
ordered them based on the model year vehicle the customer asked for.We did not install the springs but who ever did, should have told him they were different than the ones they removed. It was very easy to see that things were not right.
When he finally informed us there was a problem, we were more than willing to take the wrong springs back and give him the correct ones. He was out one model year on his vehicle and the proper springs were a different length. I was not willing to repair the damage caused by driving the unit with the wrong springs and refered him back to the installer.
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