Speeders Inc
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    Birthday Party Ruined

    We called about a birthday party of 10, and informed them that one of our party members only had a temporary license due to him loosing his wallet to which they said this was okay. When we arrived it was not okay, 3 peices of ID and the temporary license was not enough. they wanted a $500 deposit which they would not take $500 cash or $500 debit, would only process a credit card, all of our party being very young nobody had a credit card. Very dissapointing and they were quite rude about it.

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    Appears in 3 Smart Lists

    Editor’s Pick
    8 great venues to book for your holiday party in Calgary

    8 great venues to book for your holiday party in Calgary

    Add an adrenaline boost to your holiday party this year. Speeders offers an indoor go-karting experience and companies can book a few tracks or the entire space for their event. The venue also has two conference rooms and catering available, making it a true one-stop spot for your holiday party.

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    Unforgettable Group Activities in Calgary

    Unforgettable Group Activities in Calgary

    Located in a sprawling warehouse facility just west of the Calgary International Airport, you and your friends can simply drop in at Speeders or reserve the racetrack facility for private competition. Rip around the track in mini ProKarts and receive three-for-two races with Wednesday drop-ins.

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    Kid-friendly Indoor Activities in Calgary

    Kid-friendly Indoor Activities in Calgary

    This is the place to take adrenaline-seeking children. Kids and their parents will enjoy the rush of racing around its 50,000 square-foot indoor go-kart facility. Zip around the track in fully electric, eco-friendly vehicles.

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